Our Tradesy Closet Curation is designed to weed out your wardrobe as you Fendi Replica Handbags your garden; getting rid of the tired, the ugly and the repetitive cleaning out the old to bring in the new. The key is always a fresh pair of eyes. The most common pattern we find during our organizing and editing appointments is that without a new perspective, we all tend to stick to the familiar and buy more and more of the same. But, what if ‘more of the same’ is actually not right at all? What if you’ve bought 20 pairs of the same black pants as you believe they best suit your shape? Then, your expert stylist tells you that bootcut, low-waisted, and way too short on the leg is really hiding your light under a bushel? Especially if the cost of those 20 pairs of identical pants amount to that of a classic Fendi Replica Handbags. We know what we’d rather buy!

Better that you know now, than amass a further 20 pairs over the next coming years. Most women (and men) are truly startled by the realization that all along they’ve been wearing the wrong size, wrong shape, wrong color, or all of the above. However, at the same time, they get a real sense of awakening. In our appointments, your stylist will pull your clothes by category and then merchandise them by color and type on a rolling rack, This allows you to see the common patterns and stop them for good! It’s such simple exercise, but reaps such rewards in the long run.
Have fun with your clothes! Everyday you should feel excited to open up your wardrobe. The biggest piece of advice we can give you is that even your work-wear should inspire you. Buy classics rather than trend pieces! Items that will never go out of style., If you buy quality, that tailored blazer, perfect pair of pants, or crisp white shirt will last you forever.
Invest in a capsule wardrobe! A capsule is a key selection of items, usually classic pieces that can be mixed and matched together to produce complete outfits. These form the backbone of your closet. For example; the perfect LBD, a black cashmere sweater, tailored black pants, the perfect pair of jeans.
Don’t buy Fendi Replica Handbags or misshapen clothes in the belief that they hide your problem areas they actually do the opposite and add bulk where it doesn’t exist!
Buy the same item in multiples of no more than two! One fresh replacement for a favorite item is fine but 10 identical white shirts are taking up valuable real estate in your closet.
One final piece of advice: look at your wardrobe, take out every single piece that you’ve never worn, and ask yourself, “Is this me?”. We know this is hard to do on your own- this is where Replica Prada Bags we come in!